Book Review Department
12:30 p.m. Refreshments ~ 1:00 p.m. Meeting
Chairman Linda Dunson
Vice-Chairman Judi Sheedy
Secretary Neeru Vashisht
Treasurer Marcella Weyandt
Membership Shirley Simpson
Hospitality Lea Bailey & Judy Johnson
Philanthropy Beth Hellier
Sunshine Linda Lummus
Photographer Sally Butcher
Communications Karen Ellen Anderson
Oct. 2 American Empress
(Marjorie Merriweather Post)
by Nancy Rubin
Presenter: Susan Clark
*Nov. 6 Why Don't You Want My Stuff?!
by Josh Levine
Presenter: Rebecca Blackwood
Advance Luncheon Ticket $15.00
Dec. 4 The History of Santa Claus
The Autobiography of Santa Claus as told to Jeff Guinn
The Night Before Christmas by Clement Moore
Presenter: Mary Roberson
Feb. 5 Brotherhood by Fire
by Lindy Bell
Presenter: Lindy Bell
Mar 5 A Lotus Grows in the Mud
by Goldie Hawn
Presenter: Kathleen Cunningham
*Apr. 2 Reading Jackie: Her Autobiography in Books
by William Kuhn
Presenter: Nancy Ashley
Advance Luncheon Ticket $15.00
May 7 In the Shadow of Quetzalcoatl
by Zella Nuttal
Presenter: nancy Davenport
Installation of Officers
*Guest Day @Away from Club #Change of Regular Meeting